Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It gets messy in the middle

My thoughts on the recent messy issues surrounding the Baltimore County Republican Central Committee and its Chairman:

As a former contractor, we used to have a saying when preparing customers for an extended project: "It gets messy in the middle..."

In most instances, when something has to be rebuilt, the rebuilding process is not necessarily pretty. But the end result is worth the aggravation. Being a long term thinker, rather than living by knee jerk reactions, helps to keep sanity afloat during an arduous time of rebuilding.

Although many people are/were appalled by the issues that arose during the first few weeks of this new political season, my personal opinion is that I am glad to go through it now rather than later. This gives us a chance to identify deficiencies and repair or replace them. If the party and the committee keeps looking forward, all this will eventually be thought of as helpful and useful for moving the party forward.

Embrace the conflict. Learn from it and let's make corrections. Those who continually meander through the deficiencies will only get lost in failure. But by using these times as stepping stones, we can build to new heights. Yes, I know this sounds good. But there is truth here. What we need is vision...a goal...a mission; to keep us focused and moving towards making Maryland a strong state and our communities a safe and healthy and more prosperous place to live.

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