Yes, it has been a while since I last posted on this blog, and boy, have things been...well, let's just say, they've been interesting.
A few updates since the last post...
When I look to get things back to normal, my usual reaction is to look in the past and see what I have done that brought me some sort of stability. I can't say that this past year has been that stable. My painting business, while I hired a former worker, Datonie, it actually shrunk, with my concentrating on doing work for only 4-5 people this past year. While they were rather large contracts, and kept me busy, the phone just wasn't that busy. And while I laxed off, enjoying the latitude of having a few loyal customers, there just wasn't any winter work. And brother, did that hurt financially!
It looks like we are back to zero, and have to work our way back into the black. I often wonder what will happen for our retirement, and quite frankly, it scares me. All our money is tied up into non-productive real estate. We will have to find a way to be more liquid, if you will.
With that in mind, I joined an organization that will hopefully prove to be profitable. Many years ago, we were fairly successful in the Amway business, and enjoyed a residual income for a few years as a result of my first 90 days in business, back then. While I enjoyed the tapes, books, and functions, I really got to the point of not believing in myself to recruit or sponsor people personally. While I totally believe in the products, and really enjoy using them (they work!), the tough thing was to actually get started back in the business of recruiting. t just wasn't in me to do that. While we did get back and sign back up, we only did that to use the products and have them available to us personally. We signed back up with the couple that had a great influence on us as a young couple, back in the 70's, Bob and Angie Dix. They are not part of the Britt system, and are more interested in developing a solid customer-product driven base. I actually must say, while we love Bob and Angie, I am somewhat angered by our former line of sponsorship. I wish we could have been renewed under that line, because we had a fairly active and sizeable group there. Unfortunately, we moved right before our renewal date combined with an expiring credit card, and forgot to notify Amway about our move (amongst the chaos of trying to help an ailing mother-in-law while moving in with her). When I finally figured out that we needed some products, I noticed that we were not renewed. And in trying to renew, I found out that I needed to get exception from our sponsor, the Executive Diamond, Dave Taylor. The compounding problem was that Dave and his wife, Lorna, split, and Dave's whereabouts were tough to get a hold of. When I finally found him (Amway wouldn't give us his contact information due to privacy issues, even though he was our upline and Platinum level). We had no way of contacting him. It was very frustrating for months.
Finally, I got a hold of him and he asked that I send him a letter, to ask to be renewed with our group. So I complied. I sent him and Amway a letter, and NEVER heard from him again. So, we lost our group. It is very frustrating, as we had developed a good group. And apparently, if you decide to take a hiatus, you are not forgiven by the Britt system, and they steal your group from you. Of course, these are words of anger and bitterness. But I feel justified in feeling that way. Although I am angered by this, I must move on.
So, a guy I knew of at church calls me to ask me if I'd like to see what he is involved with. It sounded a lot like the Amway phone call. Even in spite of that, this was a guy who I really liked and admired from afar. To be honest, it didn't matter if he was asking me to shovel horse manure, I would have done it with him, because he seemed like the kind of guy who wouldn't steer me wrong. plus, he was a successful salesman, and a motivational speaker. And I thought I'd like to collaborate with him on the public speaking issues. So, I agreed to have him over.
He and his son in law show up and show me a business that, honestly, looked very confusing. I wasn't impressed with their presentation, and what they were offering wasn't very clear, at all. Even though it was confusing, I agreed to borrow some cd's and a book, and delved into what they were doing.
What I can reduce this to is that they were simply asking me to join a community of other like minded individuals who promote motivational, and self-help cd's, books and functions. Very much like what I enjoyed the most about the Amway business. The positive messages, the right books and the association with other people. And this is simply what they were offering. Frankly, at this point of my life, I needed some positive influence and wasn't too pleased with the turn my thinking and attitude had taken. I needed some positive influence, and wasn't sure how to get it other than church activities. And I needed it in almost all parts of my life.
So I eagerly agreed to join and looked forward to helping to build the community, under the Team concept (more about that later). well, that was back in November, and I must say, the influence of these cd's and books have been what I needed. And they got me back on the right track. But then, my depression kicked in and put a halt to my activities while I got it under control. The cd's and books really help in handling my tendencies towards depression, and only hope that these tools will help me stay on top of the funk.
Got lots more to share, but I have to get back to work.
Now, it is a little later, and I need to give you the name of that business. It is called the Life Business. And quite frankly, I feel very optimistic about it. While the approach has a little to be desired, it is a MLM of sorts. But, I am frankly very impressed with the quality of the products that we offer. Quality information on cd's, great books, with good information in them, and I even get paid to go to seminars! Can't get much better than that!
It turns out that the founders of the Life Business where hugely successful in the Amway business, and as systems engineers, understood the nuances of business and of motivation. They designed this business as a result of their highly intellectual engineering designs and systems, and have produced, in my mind, a winner here.
I have been very, very skeptical of other MLMs, and have avoided them at most costs. I do have to say that the quality of the teachings and the quality of information I their systems is solid and well grounded. I will probably be talking about them in more depth later on.
The next post will hopefully expand upon the mother changes in my life where I feel like my life is being shaped by a bucket list.
To be
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