Saturday, June 26, 2010

What does it mean to be a conservative?

This question was asked by the moderator of a page I am a fan of. Here is my answer (with a few additions). Please feel free to add your own or comment.

A conservative is one who believes that:
Government should be of laws, rather than of men.
Government should be giving a hand up, not a hand out.
Government should not be doling out more than it takes in.
Laws should stand on their own merit, not negotiated away with special add-on favors.
Identifying, agreeing with and maintaining the philosophies of the founding fathers, using THEIR words, not ours or interpretations
Equal treatment means equal treatment. But definitions should not be twisted to incorporate new concepts that favor special interest groups.
Dedicated to the concept that the money the government takes in still belongs to the people, NOT the government.
That the government is the STEWARD of our money, taken through taxes. And that the government should be held accountable for the quality of that stewardship.
Taxes should only be taken to meet minimum sustenance requirements of basic infrastructure needs. And prudent planning for disaster relief should be subject to budgetary constraints.
You spend less than what you take in, give back the excess or put it away for a rainy day.
Economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise.
That the only things that should not be tolerated is evil, injustice and limiting freedoms.
Personal freedoms are sacrosanct so long as they are not immoral or illegal.
Humanistic liberties are subordinate to principles defining what is right and what is wrong.
That the concept of "social justice" is a worthy cause, but has been errantly twisted to incorporate government programs under the guise of moral achievements.
Government can not achieve moral superiority through programs, laws or regulations.
Social justice can best be achieved through individuals taking an active part in helping their neighbors only, and not by depending on government programs.
All rights are given to us by our creator and NOT by our government.
Our greatest institution is the traditional family, and not any other organization, movement or government
Defending our way of life and our freedoms is a responsibility, an honor and an expectation.
Defending freedom and democracy should start, end and be maintained vigilantly within our country first. And that prescence of our military forces in other countries should be maintained for the sole purpose of combatting threats to our nation
That each individual life should be held in the highest regard from point of conception until a natural death.
Faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life

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